Day 8: Who are YOU 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀? Exploring your Conditioning πŸ”—β€πŸ’₯

Our basic human need to survive is to know that we are safe and loved.

Today's audio explores creating space between who we've been showing up as and who we are REALLY, underneath the roles & identities that have been created in order to receive love, validation, & approval.

If you are anything like myself & my clients, who you’ve learned that you NEEDED to be isn’t really your MOST authentic YOU.

It's time to create awareness around the roles you've been playing so that you can RECLAIM your truth ✨.

Apply what you learned:

Grab a pen & paper & create 3 columns:

- Column 1: Identify the 2 - 3 roles that you have played in your life & what characteristics/traits/actions you have taken to show up in that way.

- Column 2: Capture how have these roles served you, what have they gotten you, and what needs have they met.

- Column 3: Reflect on how each of these roles is limiting you & no longer serving you.

Comment below with the top 3 roles that you've been playing & share any key insights & learnings.

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