Day 15: Break up with the 'Shoulds' & Plug into Your Authentic Wants, Desires, & Needs

Today is all about taking the pressure off and giving ourselves grace ❀️.

I explore the concept of 'shoulding' all over ourselves.

Honoring what we need can feel uncomfortable in the beginning and as we say YES to ourselves, it's not uncommon to minimize our needs and say 'well, I desire to do this, but I 'should' being doing this'.

When we learn to say no to the 'shoulds' we create the freedom to choose what ACTUALLY lights our soul on fire.

Apply what you learned:

1. Reflect & journal on the following:

- Whose standards am I trying to live up to?

- Are the expectations I have of myself realistic and how can I be so sure? 

- Is what I am choosing to focus on, really what matters?

- And if not, how can I make the shift to what TRULY does?

2. Practice: Begin to bring awareness to your actions and ask yourself why am I completing this action – is it to fulfill me on some level (do I get some level of satisfaction out of completing it OR is it for the pure pleasure of pleasing or getting the attention (feeling seen) by someone else?

When you notice yourself doing something for the sake of pleasing someone else – ground the action back into HOW IS IT BENEFITING YOU. If it doesn’t bring YOU joy then CHOOSE to NOT DO IT (yes, it actually can be THAT simple).

3. As you evaluate your actions this week – make a mental note is this action pleasing me or is it seeking to get me attention and please another and if it’s the latter, work to REMOVE IT. Begin to become a ninja warrior with HOW IMPORTANT an activity is TO YOU – and to bringing you joy, satisfaction, and pleasure, eliminating as best you can those that aren’t important to YOU.

Comment below to let me know what actions you are choosing to say NO to in your life.

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